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Promote National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month Resolution

 Turn America (and Alabama!) Teal
Turn America (and Alabama!) Teal

Congress is back in session on Tuesday, September 14th. Please e-mail your Representative and encourage them to support the National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month Resolution (H.Res. 1488) by going to this link. Here you may read about the bill and either e-mail a letter (sample language provided that you may customize) or print your letter and mail to your elected officials in Washington. All the information is provided for you so this takes little time.

Your voice should be heard! At this time there are only 33 Representatives signed on to this bill. We will need at least 100 to get the bill passed in September.

Please pass this information along to your friends and family so they too can help spread ovarian cancer awareness in September in Congress.

(Information alert provided by the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance.)