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Fifth Annual Head Over Teal - Huge Success!

 Foundation President Jim Crandall Cheers On Emily Knerr, Ovarian Cancer Survivor as She Starts the 5K
Foundation President Jim Crandall Cheers On Emily Knerr, Ovarian Cancer Survivor as She Starts the 5K
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Head Over Teal Press Release 10-03-14

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Contact: Mary Anne King - ma.king@thinkoflaura.org

Saturday, September 27, was a historic day for the Laura Crandall Brown Ovarian Cancer Foundation. 

The 5th annual Head Over Teal 5K/Family Fun Day was held with more than 800 people and 51 teams participating. it marked the largest attendance ever for this event since its inception. The Hoover Preserve Town Hall came to life with hundreds of volunteers, participants and family members all enjoying a wonderful day. Activities included a 5K run/walk which began at 8 a.m., followed by a 1-Mile Fun Run, both of which guided participants through the Preserve neighborhood. The MAKing a Difference band provided entertainment while everyone visited numerous vendor tents. These tents distributed information about GYN cancer awareness, provided by CanSurvive and the Foundation, as well as information on fitness and other areas of interest. Participants also enjoyed complimentary breakfast, fruit, drinks, Good People beer, Little Caesar's Pizza and Buffalo Wild Wings after the race. Kids enjoyed activities such as face painting, tattoos, inflatable bouncy house and even a photo booth complete with fun props. Beth Shelburne of Fox6 was our emcee and as always did a great job. She provided background about the Foundation and presented the awards for largest team, best team spirit, top fundraiser and, of course, the awards for our runners. Many who registered for the event formed virtual teams and participated from areas across the country that included Texas, Georgia, California and Washington DC. Jim Crandall, president of the Foundation, was very pleased with the turnout this year. "We are so grateful to all who stepped up to support our best ever Head Over Teal event. We are particularly thankful for our sponsors, our Executive Director Mary Anne King, and all the volunteers who worked so hard to make the day a tremendous success."  Fundraisers such as Head Over Teal have enabled the Foundation to donate $250,000 to various medical institutions who are working in the areas of an early detection screening test for ovarian cancer.

The mission of the Laura Crandall Brown Ovarian Cancer Foundation is to provide funding in support of research in the early detection and treatment of ovarian cancer. It is imperative that we bring awareness and educate the public about this silent killer. By focusing on early detection - We have the chance to fight it, to beat it, to live!

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