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Announcing - the Winners of our Make A Stand Campaign

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The Foundation recently joined forces with the Hope For Autumn Foundation for a different sort of "fun"draiser. Supported by Milo’s (who provided lemonade stand kits), teams set up lemonade stands selling drinks and taking donations. In addition, the teams were given banner paper and encouraged to create a unique banner design to hang at their stand.

We are proud to announce that the top fundraising team was the Hawkins family! They will enjoy passes to the Red Mountain Park.

Our banner design winner is Blayne and Bryan Powers. Their prize is a take-home sunday party for 10 from the Whole Scoop in Hoover.

Our second prize fundraising award goes to Prince of Peace Middle School - House of St. Thomas. Third prize is the Erwin family. These teams will also receive a take-home sundae party for 10 from the Whole Scoop in Hoover.

Read more about this campaign in an article published in the recent issue of the Hoover Sun.

Thanks Milo's Tea, the Whole Scoop in Hoover and Red Mountain Park for your support! And a special thanks to all who participated in our Make A Stand campaign!