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Speaker's Bureau
<b>Speaking Out to Raise Awareness to the Community</B>
Speaking Out to Raise Awareness to the Community

One important aspect of the Foundation's mission is to raise awareness to the signs and symptoms of all gynecologic cancers. Our Speaker's Bureau is key to raising awareness and educating the public. We incorporate various means of communication via media, handouts and presenters to aid in that effort.

Did you know we can supply knowledgeable speakers for your next club meeting, Church group, or "Lunch 'n Learn" gathering? There is no charge for this service and we will provide the necessary equipment and materials during the session.

You can help us spread the word about gynecologic cancers.  We have several excellent, trained speakers who are ready to share their own personal experiences and help you and your group be better prepared to recognize the symptoms and take action if necessary.  Both male and female speakers are available to best fit your audience.  Previous speaking engagements include the Ladybugs group in Leeds, Educator's Society, Women's Missionary Union, Shades Mtn Sunrise Rotary, Protective Life, McGriff Seibels, Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church (Gulf Shores), students at Jacksonville State University, and the Birmingham Civettes. If you would like to request a speaker for an upcoming group or event, please complete our online request. We will contact you to make the necessary arrangements.